Event Recap: Emerging Demands and Job Opportunities for Smarter Growth Cities


Emerging Demands and Job Opportunities for Smarter Growth Cities

On Saturday, July 13, 2024, the Saigon Innovation Hub was abuzz with enthusiasm and forward-thinking discussions as it hosted the highly anticipated event, “Event Recap: Emerging Demands and Job Opportunities for Smarter Growth Cities” The event brought together academics, industry leaders, and aspiring professionals to explore the future of urban development and the evolving job market within this dynamic context.

For the past three decades, urban growth in Vietnam has primarily focused on expansion. However, the future points towards smarter and more sustainable development, emphasizing depth over breadth. This transition opens up numerous career opportunities across various fields, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches, technological applications, and new partnerships to create harmonious and adaptive urban environments.

The event featured an impressive lineup of speakers who provided invaluable insights into the smarter urban growth trend. Dr. Nguyễn Ngọc Hiếu from the Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) program at Vietnamese-German University delivered an engaging presentation on the challenges and opportunities in developing smarter urban areas. His expertise set the stage for a comprehensive discussion on the necessary skills and strategies for thriving in this new landscape.

The event also saw the participation of MA. Nguyen Ha Cuong, Vice General Director of The Five & Partners, who shared his professional insights on urban planning and consultancy. Additionally, M.Sc. Nguyen Pham Thai Anh, an esteemed SUD alumni, provided valuable perspectives on the real-world applications of sustainable urban development principles.

Participants had the opportunity to engage with scholars and industry experts, discussing in-depth topics such as compact city development, green infrastructure, climate-adaptive constructions, and the integration of smart mobility solutions. These discussions highlighted the need for developing professional skills to keep pace with the rapidly changing demands of the urban development sector.

The event underscored the significance of investing in professional development and adapting to new economic models, governance structures, and technological advancements. Attendees left with a clearer understanding of how to position themselves for success in the evolving job market, capitalizing on the opportunities presented by smarter and more sustainable urban growth.

The “Emerging Demands and Job Opportunities for Smarter Growth Cities” event was a resounding success, fostering a collaborative environment where knowledge sharing and networking thrived. As cities continue to evolve, such events play a crucial role in preparing the next generation of urban planners, architects, and developers to lead the charge towards a more sustainable and intelligent future.

We look forward to hosting more events that bring together thought leaders and practitioners to drive meaningful progress in urban development.

For more information and updates on future events, please visit our website at https://sud.vgu.edu.vn

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